Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Festival Hot Picks 2014

It is impossible to think of Summer without thinking of the back log of British Festivals on offer and there is A LOT on offer. Britain hold some of the biggest festivals and although the performances and genres may differ, the festival styles and hottest looks can be seen through all. 

We are currently witnessing a fantastic display of confidence in self expression in this era. It is becoming more apparent that a large number of us are becoming more confident in expressing our personality through our style. It started with Geek Chic (let's face it most of us have worn glasses we don't really need) and its carrying on through body art and hair colour. Chester Guests, try and count how many different colours Sally's hair has been this year!

For those of you who might be regular festival goers looking for a hair style pick me up or for festival newbies looking for some quick ideas; do not fear Tommy's is here to offer you our Festival Hot Picks for 2014. Keep reading to find out our Top 3 Festival Styles and Hair colours for this Summer.

Top 3 Festival Hair Styles 2014

1. Boho/ Beach Inspired Waves... A common staple hair style for festivals, especially for
those of you with long locks. Tousled curls worn with a center parting is the statement curled style to wear in a festival and 2014 is not making any exceptions for this. For the perfect waved look Jessica, our Colour Technician,is inspired by Vanessa Hudgens. She says "I love her festival look. She always finds the right balance with her style, she is definitely my festival hair inspiration." 

2.The Top Knot...The top knot is a style that we wear through out the year and during different occasions and events. It is something you can dress up or down and is one of the most versatile looks. Our funky top knot festival hot pick comes from the gorgeous Whitney Port. 

3.The Braid...The braid is a versatile hair style and can be worn in a multitude of ways to suit different hair lengths. For shorter hair we are loving a braid using grown out or side fringes, plaited across the forehead. Tommy's Ultimate Festival braid style is the Dutch inspired braid using all the hair and wrapping it over the top of the head. Think Jennifer Lawrence and Scarlett Johansson. 

Top 3 Festival Hair Colours

1. Peacock Blue Hues... Courtesy of Kylie Jenner, Katy Perry and Demi Lavato, Blue is most certainly the new black for 2014. Chester Stylist Sally has been blue for a month now and here is what she says about this latest colour trend "Before this I was lilac for quite a while and I fancied a change. I decided to go blue as it is still a vibrant colour but I feel its more sophisticated and can be worn in different situations. I think it is going to be a popular colour through this summers festival scene" 

2. Fuschia Pink... Festival Queen Vanessa Hudgens has recently been spotted with fuschia dip dyed waves and braids. This has always been a popular festival colour and is definitely one of our Hot Picks for 2014. Our favorite pink look for this year has been inspired by Little Mix's Perrie Edwards. We love the contrast of her bright two-toned pink tresses against her pale skin tone. 

3. Multi Coloured... Ok so "technically" this is not one colour but it is most certainly one of our hot looks for 2014. Multi coloured slices under the hair, dip dyes etc have become more and more experimental over time. Think Cruella Deville as a nice person and you somehow end up with Kesha in the Timber Music Video. These funky out there looks are amazing, especially when they are created with non permanent colour such as our much loved L'Oreal Hair Chalk. Kesha's Latest coloured look is getting the Tommy's Team pumped for some serious Hair Chalk over load. Adam our Academy Assistant in Llandudno says "Walking through town with majorly multi coloured hair still isn't a common thing but for people who want to release their wild side and have a bit of hair excitement, using non permanent hair chalks for a Festival is a great way to express yourself without any long term regrets."

Hopefully we have inspired you for some new or updated Festival ideas for this Summer. We would love to see photos of your ideas and re-creations of any of these looks so don't forget to take a selfie and Tweet us using the hash-tag TommysFestivalStyle 

Lots of Love 

Tommy's xxx