Everyone knows what it's like. You are packing your suitcase, and amongst the 7 bikini's, 5 pairs of shorts, and countless maxi dresses, you have to get your entire shelf of haircare products condensed into just one bag... ooookkkaaaayyyyyy.
Here are our tips on packing the essentials this holiday. Courtesy of our lovely team!

1. Anti Frizz - Battling the Beach look? Here are Jennalea's comments on keeping the frizz at bay "The key is to get yourself some hydrating masks, conditioners, and some UV protective gel or serum. Secondly, stay away from the sea water! We know that's impossible, so the key thing to do is ensure that your hair hydrated before it hits the sea. Salt Water really messes up your hair, giving it a frizzy look. If there is no way you can avoid the pool or sea, then hydrate it with masks and serum, then rinse in the shower before you hit the pool" (yes...the one that is usually located right by the pool and always runs freezing cold!) This hydration will stop so much chlorine / sea water getting into the hair, preventing the level of frizz you are used to! Simply condition and rinse after the sea/pool, and put it up into a bun or top knot for evening!

2. Protect, protect, protect. Sally of our Chester Salon rather passionately states "Everyone wonders what the point in putting UV protection on their hair is. Your hair and your skin are basically made out of the same stuff! Would you go outside in that scorching sun without wearing sun cream? The hair can become weak, brittle, sun damaged, colour faded, and unmanageable". Use a good quality UV protecting spray or put on a sun hat! Include in your packing a shampoo which also protects your colour from the sun. There are some amazingly brilliant colour protecting shampoos out there now. Nobody wants to look like they've just jumped out of bed and straight on holiday. Get your colour done before you go, and protect it whilst away! You will look and feel better for it. Plus you won't get stared at for having that lovely big stripe on the top of your head all holiday.

3. Electric style - You go on holiday, and after a day of being in the sun with no decent conditioner or serum, jumping in and out of the sea, and thinking you need to sort your frizzy hair out, you decide that straightening it (let's be honest probably without heat protection as you forgot to pack it) or curling it will make you look human again. Take note of the previous steps, and simply shampoo, condition and leave. Camilla, Creative Stylist at the Ruthin Salon says "Pack the tongs not the straighteners, and when dry, shape and curl random sections to give a much more groomed look when you hit the bar that night, you can concentrate on having a good time and not moaning about the humidity making your hair curl even though you only straightened it 45 minutes ago. If you can't beat it, join it". So true Camilla!

4. Accessories! You want to 'jush' your look whilst away with minimal effort? Pack a couple of accessories this holiday. Tommy says "Loose knots and messy buns can all be fixed with a couple of kirby grips, and then teased and clipped with diamanté grips, flowery slides, or tasteful hair clips. Or even simpler, wear a teased ponytail. Once cleansed, conditioned and treated, pull the hair back, put in ponytail, then take a section of your hair and wrap around the bobble, securing in place underneath with a kirby grip. Then continue to back comb the pony with your fingers. The look will be casual, yet fashion forward".
So what do you need in summary?
Products - UV Protecting Shampoo, conditioner, and mask / serum
Tools - Hairdryer (if the hotel doesn't have one) Curling tongs
Accessories - Grips, slides, and other pretty things.
Stay tuned and we will be recommending some products for you over the coming days.
With Love From Tommy's xxx