Now for the Gents, it's a simple affair of buying a new shirt or tie (or both!) to co-ordinate with the wedding,and pick out a suit, and away you go. However for you ladies... I empathise. I have seen many of my female friends go through the ritual of choosing the outfit, the shoes, the accessories, and then.... The hair.
You don't want anything that is going to be too glitzy as you don't want to upstage the bridal hair... You can't go too simple as you want to make an impression at the reception, and of course it needs to put the final touches to your outfit to make people go 'ooooooh' and not 'ooooh errr'.
Well here at Tommy's, as well as Bridal Hair, we have a fantastic junior, and salon stylists who love putting up hair. The appointments take 45 minutes to an hour, starts from £25, and can transform you from Wedding Guest to Belle of the Ball in no time at all. Leaving you with only the task of popping yourself into your dress and wrapping the wedding present.
To give you an idea of what we are doing through our Salons, find below the top six Wedding Guest hair do's that we have come up with to give you that perfect look.
6. The Side Pony
A classic that will go with most dresses. Contemporary but classic, it can be worked with volume on the crown to create a modern and powerful twist, or with curls and side fringes to give it a gentler classic look. Think about making it messier with back combing, plaits or braids, and volume to create a editorial tousled look.

5. Halo Braid
This look is very popular, adding a little bit of 'hippy chic' to a look without being too pretentious. It is a lot easier to achieve than people think. Take a side section from the hair, and plait, then position it on the head where suits your desired look.

If you would like to make it a little more sophisticated use twists, or incorporate fishtail braids, and take it from the back. Great for swooping neck lines and long dresses.
4. The Chignon
Every time I see a lady with one of these, it reminds me of the fantastically gowned Victorian ladies that made it so popular in this country. The style can be transformed into a clean cut bun, curled, or even used with back combed and textured hair (see below) to create a magnificent textured piece of hair art.

3. The Bouffant

We will be seeing a massive sixties revival in hair, the high street fashion is taking modern twists of classic prints and shapes, breathing new life into them for this and early next year.
The same goes for hair, you can have great sixties styles with a modern twist, give the bouffant more texture with large natural curls, or pin it up and create the height with natural texture to frame the face. This is great for those people with long bobs who want to add dramatic effect to their look. Fantastic with a dress with any type of neck line, it will really get the other Guests asking all your styling secrets.
2. Vintage Va Va Voom
Picking an era for your outfit is always a winner. 50's chic is making a massive impression on fashion prints, and with so many wedding parties choosing a Vintage theme for their wedding, it's always nice to tie in with the nature of the party, and the 50's certainly liked to make an impression when it came to hair.
Use Victory rolls to add dramatic statements to your head, they can be worn on the top, the side or at the back to create a stunning piece of hair to top off your amazing ensemble. You can use voluminous fringes and shapes to add understated drama to your hair.
Many ladies with long bobs think that they are limited when it comes to Vintage, without the hair to put into Victory rolls it can be frustrating when it's not long enough to pin up... But fear not. Here Selena Gomez has added a vintage twist by curling the bottom of her bob into a curl, and then it has been pinned up at the back to give the impression of a shorter bob, but still with that cutesy feel. Tie it up with statement eye make up and some statement earrings and you can be wearing a bin bag.... Nobody would notice!
1. The Big & Bouncy
Long hair ladies can book in for 'The Middy' a fantastic take on the blow dry's which have been walking out of our salon for almost a decade. Luscious curls, with added volume and shine to boot.
But if you have shorter hair, don't worry! Using the big and bouncy curls in a more subtle structured way, the blow dry will make an incredible impact during the day, and soften enough in the evening 'do' to still keep you looking like you have just stepped out... even after 12 glasses of Champagne, and two rounds of the Macarena.