Tuesday, 17 November 2015
Friday, 13 November 2015
Would you clean your hotel room before the maid came?
Should I wash my hair before coming to the Salon?
We don't want to be gross or anything but we love dirty hair. Ok, there is a cut off point of how many days you can go without shampooing, but you should NEVER (except one instance!) shampoo your hair before you come to the salon.
Coming for your colour done? Always come with dry hair (Professional Tip!) it saves time if you want to be out on time, and means that it won't need to be blow dried before hand! Dirty hair (second...even third day hair is ok) makes it easier for the technician to place foils. Oils secreted by your hair also form a type of protection against possible irritation by the colour!
With a haircut...Well having a dry cut is like going to McDonalds for a Salad. You want the burger but you've cheated yourself out of it, and it costs exactly the same! You have come to the professionals and it costs no more or less to sit back in our shiatsu massage chairs, and feel the stress of every day life melt away with every knot that is kneaded out of your back by the chair. Pair that with the KILLER head ritual that is done during your shampoo and you will wonder why you cheated yourself out of this experience for so long!
But you should come with your hair styled the way you normally wear it. Makes it easier for the Stylists to see what you do with your hair, and see what kind of effort and/or style you put in yourself.
Hair Up and Curling appointments should always be washed and dried the day before, then just left. No styling products...no oils...just your hair. Okay...Maybe a volumising cream such as Forme Fatale or Lift Vertige from Kerastase but nothing else! It gives a great base for doing hair up and curling, and if we need to change the texture for any reason then we can always do that in the chair :)
And that exception when you should wash your hair....Chlorine. Always wash your hair after being in a swimming pool...Chlorine reacts with colour, and the results can be...how shall we say...Interesting? Also if you have put any lightening products such as SUN-IN or other type of thing, let your stylist know! The results of that with foils and lifting agents can be very serious!
So if you haven't washed your hair when you visit us...Don't worry, it's going to happen anyway. It's like cleaning the hotel room before the maid comes!
We don't want to be gross or anything but we love dirty hair. Ok, there is a cut off point of how many days you can go without shampooing, but you should NEVER (except one instance!) shampoo your hair before you come to the salon.
Coming for your colour done? Always come with dry hair (Professional Tip!) it saves time if you want to be out on time, and means that it won't need to be blow dried before hand! Dirty hair (second...even third day hair is ok) makes it easier for the technician to place foils. Oils secreted by your hair also form a type of protection against possible irritation by the colour!
With a haircut...Well having a dry cut is like going to McDonalds for a Salad. You want the burger but you've cheated yourself out of it, and it costs exactly the same! You have come to the professionals and it costs no more or less to sit back in our shiatsu massage chairs, and feel the stress of every day life melt away with every knot that is kneaded out of your back by the chair. Pair that with the KILLER head ritual that is done during your shampoo and you will wonder why you cheated yourself out of this experience for so long!
But you should come with your hair styled the way you normally wear it. Makes it easier for the Stylists to see what you do with your hair, and see what kind of effort and/or style you put in yourself.
Hair Up and Curling appointments should always be washed and dried the day before, then just left. No styling products...no oils...just your hair. Okay...Maybe a volumising cream such as Forme Fatale or Lift Vertige from Kerastase but nothing else! It gives a great base for doing hair up and curling, and if we need to change the texture for any reason then we can always do that in the chair :)
And that exception when you should wash your hair....Chlorine. Always wash your hair after being in a swimming pool...Chlorine reacts with colour, and the results can be...how shall we say...Interesting? Also if you have put any lightening products such as SUN-IN or other type of thing, let your stylist know! The results of that with foils and lifting agents can be very serious!
So if you haven't washed your hair when you visit us...Don't worry, it's going to happen anyway. It's like cleaning the hotel room before the maid comes!
Friday, 2 October 2015
Team Tommy's...
....it takes a whole orchestra to play it. - H.E. Luccock
Unlike other Salons, we practice a team philosophy. This means the skills of our entire team (From our Salon assistants to our Stylists) are available to you. We wouldn't dream of committing you to one Stylist or technician.
We don’t want to keep you on a waiting list. Being there when you need us, and fitting into your busy schedule is our number one priority. Not every Stylist is a master of all skills, our ‘Perfect Match’ System aligns you with the Team member with the best suited experience level, skill set, and strength to suit your hair and your lifestyle. Each Team Member has a strength that when combined, offer you an array of style enhancing options that can not be rivalled.
So you are scared when you book an appointment and you get a different Stylist, it’s going to be a disaster? We can assure you this isn't the case, and neither are we going to force you to stay with the same Stylist either. We know that a massive part of our success is the relationship that has been built up with our Guests. We know that you have a ‘favourite’ Team member that you prefer. However if they have fallen ill, are on vacation, or working on an outside event such as London Fashion Week, we want you to know that you have the option to see another Team Member.
Me and my Shadow
Each Team Member has a ‘Shadow Stylist’. This is usually the person that would colour your hair, or the one that you usually visit for the blow dry’s for that special occasion. These Team Members work closely with your Stylist, and they often know your hair. These Stylists are called Shadow Stylists, and they are trusted to look after you when your usual Stylists are not around (That’s right, our stylists have favourites too!), and they wouldn't hand that responsibility over to just anyone who is available. So not only do we not mind if you want to visit a different stylist in the Salon...We want you to! There’s no commissions at Tommy’s, and we do not ‘rent chairs’. Your time is important, and we want to make sure you can be seen by us, without that Guilty pang!
Tuesday, 3 March 2015
I just want a trim!
We know how it can be. You wake up in the morning, walk in to the bathroom and 'BOOM' you're confronted with the image of Bigfoot on a bad hair day.
The first thing that runs through your head? "I need a hair appointment!" You have us on speed dial (naturally) so it takes 30 seconds to get through to us. But...What is that...? Fully booked?!?! Then we hear the words "I just want a trim! It won't take long!"
We know how long it takes to deliver our Award Winning Service, and 'squeezing you in' won't give you a quarter of what we aim to deliver. We deliver what we call 'Swan Service' which means that on the Salon Floor, everything looks graceful and peaceful. Meticulously simple, almost automatic in fact! Whilst behind the scenes a lot of work is going into making that Swan look like it's gliding across the water! So here is how we make it look like a well oiled machine....Call it 'A day in the life of Tommy's'.
08:45am The Front of House Coordinators arrive in the Salon and begin their morning routines. This includes walking through the Salon detailing maintenance issues, creating task lists for the team during the day, and calculating figures and daily notes to pass on to the team about each Guests likes and dislikes.
09:00 All of our Team Members are trained to always be 15 minutes early for us, as well as outside appointments. Our morning meetings (called 'Express' Meetings) are held 15 minutes before our first service at 09:30, so everyone arrives at 09:00 if they want to settle in, grab themselves a coffee or tea, and have a chat about what happened at the BRIT or BHA Awards, or whatever the latest news may be!
09:15 - The Team are in full uniform, ready to have the meeting of what awaits them in the appointment book that day. Everyone who is on the floor that day is present, from Manager to Assistant, to hear what is coming up in the day, with each Guests like and dislikes, as well as Company wide news from the PR & Marketing Department and Directors as well as the logistics of the appointment book throughout the day.
09:25 - Team Members look through their columns on our computer to make personal notes on each appointment and create an action plan for the day.
09:30 - The Salon comes to life! And the day begins. As you can see by the appointment book, there are lots of appointments on any given day, as a lot of our Guests prefer to book ahead. Every single appointment in this week is pre-booked. There is very little time in between each appointment. All appointments include a dedicated consultation time, as well as a little breathing space to fit in the Guests who call to book their complimentary fringe trims.
Our Guest Managers manage the book like a military operation! This ensures that each Guest gets the full amount of time with their Stylist for their Service. They have a handbook filled with policies and procedures to follow, which help keep each Salon running smoothly and efficiently.
The first thing that runs through your head? "I need a hair appointment!" You have us on speed dial (naturally) so it takes 30 seconds to get through to us. But...What is that...? Fully booked?!?! Then we hear the words "I just want a trim! It won't take long!"
We know how long it takes to deliver our Award Winning Service, and 'squeezing you in' won't give you a quarter of what we aim to deliver. We deliver what we call 'Swan Service' which means that on the Salon Floor, everything looks graceful and peaceful. Meticulously simple, almost automatic in fact! Whilst behind the scenes a lot of work is going into making that Swan look like it's gliding across the water! So here is how we make it look like a well oiled machine....Call it 'A day in the life of Tommy's'.
08:45am The Front of House Coordinators arrive in the Salon and begin their morning routines. This includes walking through the Salon detailing maintenance issues, creating task lists for the team during the day, and calculating figures and daily notes to pass on to the team about each Guests likes and dislikes.
09:00 All of our Team Members are trained to always be 15 minutes early for us, as well as outside appointments. Our morning meetings (called 'Express' Meetings) are held 15 minutes before our first service at 09:30, so everyone arrives at 09:00 if they want to settle in, grab themselves a coffee or tea, and have a chat about what happened at the BRIT or BHA Awards, or whatever the latest news may be!
09:15 - The Team are in full uniform, ready to have the meeting of what awaits them in the appointment book that day. Everyone who is on the floor that day is present, from Manager to Assistant, to hear what is coming up in the day, with each Guests like and dislikes, as well as Company wide news from the PR & Marketing Department and Directors as well as the logistics of the appointment book throughout the day.
09:25 - Team Members look through their columns on our computer to make personal notes on each appointment and create an action plan for the day.
09:30 - The Salon comes to life! And the day begins. As you can see by the appointment book, there are lots of appointments on any given day, as a lot of our Guests prefer to book ahead. Every single appointment in this week is pre-booked. There is very little time in between each appointment. All appointments include a dedicated consultation time, as well as a little breathing space to fit in the Guests who call to book their complimentary fringe trims.
Our Guest Managers manage the book like a military operation! This ensures that each Guest gets the full amount of time with their Stylist for their Service. They have a handbook filled with policies and procedures to follow, which help keep each Salon running smoothly and efficiently.
As you can see, it's pretty tight! Our Front of House Team are trained to utilise our Salon waiting list, which means that as soon as a cancellation comes up, the list is referenced for the people who have said that they can come at that time or that day. If you have a flexible schedule, it's obviously a great idea to book your next appointment ahead, and this can be changed with a minimum of 48 hours notice. But what if you aren't flexible on times and days? We appreciate people are busy, which is why we offer a scheduling system. We will put your appointment in at your preferred time, day, and recurrence. You work late on a Thursday and can't be in the Salon until 6:30pm on your favourite Stylists late night? No problem... We will pop an appointment in for you every six weeks at 6:30 on a Thursday evening, and you confirm the next one as you go.
So as you can see, we work super hard to make sure that everyone gets a time and date they prefer...All you need to do is book ahead! Whilst we do all the hard work behind the scenes to prevent those Bigfoots creeping into your bathroom mirror :)
Wednesday, 11 February 2015
With valentines just around the corner why not go the extra mile to dazzle on that romantic night out.
Try a truly sumptuous look of gold and black to create total sex appeal!

Instead of going for a regular smoky grey eye try adding a splash of gold eyeshadow, the sparklier the better!
Apply a good covering of gold to the lid of your eye and make sure you still use plenty of black liner and mascara for maximum drama.
Bobbi brown eye liner gels are still a favourite of mine and easier to apply than a liquid liner.
A nice deep red lip colour finishes this look beautifully, make sure you use a good lip liner pencil too and apply this all over the lip before adding the lip stick.
Enjoy this fun, elegant and very sexy makeup and happy valentines everyone!
Friday, 16 January 2015
Have you voted for your favourite selfie in the Denbighshire Free Press Competition? Visit their website, or drop your vote in at the Ruthin Salon! With Love From Tommy's xxx

http://ift.tt/10VTQGc Tommy's Hair Company http://ift.tt/17QINkJ
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Thursday, 15 January 2015
Want to become part of the thousands of Guests who had Happy New Hair in 2014? Simply visit http://ift.tt/10VTQGc and find your nearest Salon, or follow the instructions to book online! With Love From Tommy's xxx

http://ift.tt/10VTQGc Tommy's Hair Company http://ift.tt/1zjE0Ed
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Wednesday, 14 January 2015
Laura Meynier who visited the Llandudno Salon the day before moving to France! Ooh La La! To book in with Catherine visit http://ift.tt/10VTQGc and book online or call the Salon on 01492 870 166 now! With Love From Tommy's xxx

http://ift.tt/10VTQGc Tommy's Hair Company http://ift.tt/1CmkQv8
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Tuesday, 13 January 2015
Caroline James Winter Skin Survival Guide
Caroline James is a renowned Make Up Artist who has been lucky enough to work with the likes of Katie Melua, and grace the faces of shows like the X-Factor.
When the Weather changes, a change in your Skincare routine is often necessary. Central heating, strong winds, and the central heating that keeps you cosy can really deplete the skin of it's moisture. So if your skin is misbehaving, simply let Caroline's make-up mantra below, guide you through those dry (and wet!) days.
Happy new year everyone, I hope it brings health and happiness to you all!
If you're like me and struggling to keep your skin looking and feeling fresh in this chilly weather then here are some simple tips to winter proof your look!
For skin that's feeling dry and flaky and little bedraggled from the cold wind, treat it to some gentle exfoliating followed by a nice rich moisturiser applied to damp skin.
An extra rich cream or a salve is great to smother on your face whilst out in the bad weather too, it will help protect it from the cold wind and drizzle, like a big soft scarf around your face!! Opt for tinted moisturisers instead of heavy foundations to keep your skin nourished whilst keeping a nice naturally dewy look to your face.
This balm called balaclava is a must have for those chilly winter walks and it's made by our very own George at bathing beauty right here in the vale of Clwyd.
balaclava available from www.bathing-beauty.co.uk |
This balm called balaclava is a must have for those chilly winter walks and it's made by our very own George at bathing beauty right here in the vale of Clwyd.
Waterproof mascaras and liners are a must to prevent eye makeup taking an unwelcome walk down your face whilst out and about in the elements, I think every girl has had the panda nightmare when walking into work in the rain!
Max factors masterpiece waterproof mascara is a perfect everyday non smudge mascara and Laura Mercier tinted moisturisers are my absolute favourite and come in a whole range of colours to suit every skin tone
Follow these simple tips to help battle the winter blues and stay looking fresh faced!
Monday, 12 January 2015
Sheryl Daltry visited the Ruthin Salon to see Camilla this week! What a beautiful way to see in the New year! Book now by visiting http://ift.tt/10VTQGc and booking online, or telephone 01824 709977 to get Happy New Hair! With Love From Tommy's xxx

http://ift.tt/10VTQGc Tommy's Hair Company http://ift.tt/1A8JMDy
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Sunday, 11 January 2015
As part of our ten year anniversary, we have an offer every month! This month you could get up to a massive 40% off selected Kerastase Products! Simply visit http://ift.tt/10VTQGc to find your nearest Salon! With Love From Tommy's xxx

http://ift.tt/10VTQGc Tommy's Hair Company http://ift.tt/1DNgz4M
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Friday, 9 January 2015
Happy New Hair! Tommy's Product of the Month
It's that time of year! When you make promises and resolutions to help improve yourself, or your environment for the following year. Whether that is to lose weight, exercise more, or simply see more of the people you love, there is one key to keeping these promises... And that is to simplify the goal.
Break it into little parts. You want to lose weight? How? Did you know that by simply cutting the two sugars out of your (numerous) cups of tea during the day over a six week period could shave up to 3lbs off your weight? Then maybe shave out the biscuits that accompany them for elevenses and you are on your way to a winner!
Here at the Salon we adopt the same outlook with hair health. Diagnosing the problem is half the battle, and prescriptive haircare from Kerastase helps us to manage the every day issues you have with your hair, be that due to stress, pollution or hormone imbalance.
Kérastase’s Specifique collection has been designed with a healthy scalp in mind. Common scalp complaints include dehydration, excess oil,itchiness or sensitivities such as sore skin. Hair can never look its best if the scalp suffers from imbalances. With treatments carefully designed for specific scalp-relief and hair troubles, Kérastase aim to gently restore the health of your scalp by moisturising to resolve dehydration or cleansing the scalp against excess sebum for oily-prone hair. Hair grows cleaner, healthier, stronger and glossier.
Bain divalent is a product which amazingly balances oily scalp and dry hair, cleansing the scalp, whilst moisturising dry hair fibres to leave your hair silky and soft with a cleansed and invigorated scalp. When you purchase this product this month you can enjoy a Specifique Ritual Blow Dry to see the benefits the full range will have on your hair! Simply visit www.tommyshaircompany.com to find your nearest Salon and take the first step towards Happy New Hair!
Break it into little parts. You want to lose weight? How? Did you know that by simply cutting the two sugars out of your (numerous) cups of tea during the day over a six week period could shave up to 3lbs off your weight? Then maybe shave out the biscuits that accompany them for elevenses and you are on your way to a winner!
Here at the Salon we adopt the same outlook with hair health. Diagnosing the problem is half the battle, and prescriptive haircare from Kerastase helps us to manage the every day issues you have with your hair, be that due to stress, pollution or hormone imbalance.
Kérastase’s Specifique collection has been designed with a healthy scalp in mind. Common scalp complaints include dehydration, excess oil,itchiness or sensitivities such as sore skin. Hair can never look its best if the scalp suffers from imbalances. With treatments carefully designed for specific scalp-relief and hair troubles, Kérastase aim to gently restore the health of your scalp by moisturising to resolve dehydration or cleansing the scalp against excess sebum for oily-prone hair. Hair grows cleaner, healthier, stronger and glossier.
Bain divalent is a product which amazingly balances oily scalp and dry hair, cleansing the scalp, whilst moisturising dry hair fibres to leave your hair silky and soft with a cleansed and invigorated scalp. When you purchase this product this month you can enjoy a Specifique Ritual Blow Dry to see the benefits the full range will have on your hair! Simply visit www.tommyshaircompany.com to find your nearest Salon and take the first step towards Happy New Hair!
Tuesday, 6 January 2015
Amy Barnett showing off her new Steel colour just before New Year! To book simply visit http://ift.tt/10VTQGc and follow the instructions to book online! With Love From Tommy's xxx

http://ift.tt/10VTQGc Tommy's Hair Company http://ift.tt/1AnHMwg
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north wales,
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