Thursday, 28 July 2011

The 'F' Word - Thank Blog it's Friday!

We're talking about Friday!

Now the video blog has become so popular,  we have given it a dedicated title..... 'Thank Blog it's Friday!'

We will give you little video blogs to inspire you to look and feel fabulous.  If you would like to learn how to give yourself fantastic hair quickly, or if you are looking for some inspiration for the next style that you want to have, we are here to help!

We will be taking styles from the salons latest collections, and drawing experience from our team of Stylists to keep you in touch with everything from Catwalk Hair to Individual style.

Whatever you want, let us know and we will try our best to get it on the blog for you.  Whether it's a 'how to' or a type of style that you want to see on somebody, or simply some recommendations of products that are best for you,  we are fully interactive and happy to show you why we are so passionate about what we do.

A request, from a young lady Shelley, was how to do the 'flicks' in the hair that you see some stunning ladies on the red carpet with, a bit of old school Glamour made famous again by Celebs like Eva Longoria, can really transform you from sleek and chic to flicked and frisky.

Ask... & Thy will be done!  Now we didn't want to just blog how to do the flicks,we wanted to ACTUALLY show her, so we got her here to the Salon and used her in the blog she asked for...Cool huh!!

Don't forget...if there's something you want to see, then simply drop us some feedback in the comment box, or find us on Facebook with the link on the left, and we will get right back to you!

 Enjoy :)

Friday, 15 July 2011

Cheryl Cole... to bob or not to bob?... that is the question

After only just coming to terms with the fact that Katy Perry dipped herself in poor girls ginger juice, I open a web page and lo and behold...

Yes that's right... Cheryl Cole has chopped her hair off.  Let me tell you I am not jealous of the poor stylist (Lisa Laudat) that had to battle with her barnet, and be personally responsible for putting a new hairstyle on one of the nations most photographed Celebs.

But the Colourist Amie Wilson quoted it as the "smokey eyes of hair".  What I am shocked at is, how suddenly Cheryl has gone from a woman with 50 heads of hair to this 'inbetweenie' bob.  From this photo above it looks like it has loads of texture and a stunning shape, but when you see it from another angle ...

You get the full effect of the cut.  Now this will be week two that I have chucked my bag down in the Salon kitchen and literally shaken a stylist like a man possessed.  Let me tell you they don't react well to being man handled at 8am on a Tuesday morning.   This time Kristina was in the firing line, and she had barely tucked into her morning breakfast coffee, before I had her dragged by the hand behind me like some kind of human wedding trail. 

'Oh.'  Said Kristina after she had dusted herself down and stopped herself from choking on her breakfast that I'd catapulted her from.

'It's not really here nor there is it?'   Exactly my thoughts.... I mean... this woman is a National ICON.  What on earth is she doing?  I heard a young guest say that it looks like she has had her head trapped in a lift?

Obviously dragging Kristina away from her morning coffee did not do Cheryl's new style any favours... after stepping back she said " I'm husband... no husband... long hair... short hair, the girl just doesn't know what to do!"

After returning Kristina to the saucer of milk she had left in the kitchen, we discussed the new look as a team.  Obviously some social activity and a couple of more coffees, gave Kristina a new insight.  "It makes her look older... and it's very safe... pretty uninspiring really"

A-symmetric is nothing new, and I must admit, personally, I am very torn about this style.  The texture and the movement look really dynamic.  However from the front it looks like someones going for the bob and she's screamed "STOP!" before they had a chance to sort it out.  It's too long to be funky, but not long enough to be something more traditional.  But you've got to give the girl credit for having the guts and trying something new. 

The colour is just ageing on her, she appears to have lost that 'glow' that she once had, and now seems a little lack luster.  We're not saying it's a bad colour... it's just not for her. 

BUT it's popular opinion that wins out.  So what do you think?  Should she dig those extensions out or stay with?

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

If Carlsberg did Party hair, it would probably look like this

Every body has had it... You're in work, it's 4:30 and you get the phone call from your friend... "Don't forget we're going to that party tonight!"  You go home, put the ice cream that you were looking forward to for your night in back in the freezer, and leave the DVD for another night.  You look in the mirror and what stares back at you?  Some limp haired lay about that looks like they've been forced through a trouser press without the heat on, and you only have 45 minutes to change yourself into a high street honey and make the ex boyfriend realise, you're the best thing since Disneyland.

Oila!  Here we have Camilla demonstrating how to get party hair in five minutes with just ONE product.  Yes one product only!  Now go get 'em tiger!

Thursday, 7 July 2011

Guess what! O M G ... K P!

KP's new hair...

What's up with this picture!

Now we all know Katy Perry for her dark hair which brings out her incredibly coloured eyes....

So...imagine my surprise when i discovered she has turned into a red head!  Working as the Guest Manager within Tommy's Hair Company it is my duty to stay abreast of all things hair related and i thought i had Katy sussed for flying the flag for the rich darker tones that some people... no matter what... will not get away with, you know who you are people!!! If Katy was hoping to get some stylists attention with the change of colour... I think she has got it!

I couldn't stop thinking about Katy's new look on my walk to the salon. I burst in the salon door and without even saying good morning grabbed Camilla our Top Stylist and shoved the picture in her face; "Whatcha think about that?" Always the professional Camilla took a step back regained her composure and said; "No coffee for you today Gavyn?" Slightly embarrassed that i had been rumbled i asked Camilla for her opinion in a more calm and collective manner, which she was delighted to give; ''I feel she is following the 'ombre' style that is really popular at the moment with other celebs like Jennifer Aniston.  It's definitely more of a 'girl next door' look rather than the darker bold impact colour we're used to her wearing. Is that ok for you Gavyn?" and off she waltzed looking extremely pleased with her good deed for the morning.

I should have left it there but i kept looking at KP's picture throughout the day trying to work out my feelings. First of all let's just say from experience (and i'm sure anyone with a teenage child will have gone through this tragedy at some point), getting rid of black from your hair is no easy task... it takes time! Using techniques and methods to try and best protect the condition of the hair without losing the healthy bounce and lustre that Katy's hair especially is known for, could not have been a simple task.

So i'm left wondering if this is an 'in-between' colour on a journey to something completely different, or is the red here to stay? After an enjoyable day within the salon talking to our stylists and guests i think i have decided on my feelings. I believe that your hair should reflect your personality and be indicative of what you want to put out there about yourself for everyone to see. Oh and lets not forget the importance of skintone when it comes to colour. In my opinion KP's colour should be bold and bright to go with her high energy positive singing and performance style. For me this colour washes her out and looks pretty boring.... I'm afraid to say Katy pastels simply aren't for you!

But what do you think... Teenage Dream or Grown-up Nightmare?
